Devlog 1

just a general update on the progress of build 1 + sneak peak at the new character her name is Hazel!

-change in story 10% done

- new voices for Haruki -DONE-

-adding a main character + voice for her -DONE-

-no mc sprites 

-first cg of the game 0% done (I had to redraw it cause i realized it wasent what i wanted)

the first build will be out sometime either late march or early april, work + irl stuff has been holding me back from working on this, this ahs been a passion project ive wanted to make for a couple of years, so its exciting seeing it become real

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Oh oh hehe a little devlog a question why no MC u_u?

(1 edit) (+1)

theres two reasons which i probably should've specified in the devlog

1. ive redesign both haruki and hazel and it feels like mc needed a updated outfit

2. i wanna focus on the story right now which is why the characters only have a standing and talking sprite.

oh ok ok :)